I was surprised (and delighted) when asked to give a keynote at Boston’s 2017 edition of “Enterprise Applications of the R Language”—better known as EARL1.
Though the slides are unlikely to stand on their own, I’ve included them below. We are, after all, learning out loud! A higher resolution version with working links can be found at https://bit.ly/mara-earl.
Post Script
For the 📷 POIDH2 crowd, here’s proof positive from Angela Li (now @angela@fediscience.org).
Here's @dataandme starting the morning off w basketball, etymology, gifs, and plenty of A+ thoughts on (data) science #rstats @earlconf pic.twitter.com/wIo3uhPIP5
— Angela Li 🐘 @angela@fediscience.org (@CivicAngela) November 3, 2017
Alas, the link to the conference site is now defunct, since its former host, Mango Solutions, was acquired by Ascent in 2020.↩︎
The frequent Internet demand that there must be “pictures or it didn’t happen.”↩︎
author = {Averick, Mara},
title = {LeaRning {Out} {Loud}},
date = {2017-11-03},
url = {https://dataand.me/talks/2017-11_learning-out-loud-earl},
langid = {en-US}