Back in the first post in this series I mentioned that the impetus for this whole endeavor was Silvia Canelón’s excellent collection of R-specific resources for making data visualizations more accessible (Canelón 2021). I wanted to fill the gap between the possibilities afforded by Highcharts’ accessibility module, and documented examples of module use with the {highcharter} package (Kunst 2021).
Here, we’ll go through the example chart from Silvia’s post (a scatter plot using data from the {palmerpenguins} package (Horst, Hill, and Gorman 2020)), and look at what accessibility features we can enable through {highcharter}.
An accessible penguin plot
First thing’s first, we’ll need both packages loaded in order to get plotting.
In addition to the ones we’ve used in previous posts (accessibility, export, and export-data), we’ll also attach Highcharts’ annotations module. In the alt-text for Silvia’s initial version of this chart (which is what I’ll use for our caption), she mentioned a specific observation—so, we’ll annotate that point in our re-creation.
The original also specified colours, and we’ll do the same. However, as I note in comments in the code, we’ll do this outside of aesthetic specifications to avoid losing the dual encoding with shapes that Highcharts gives you by default.
View code
highchart() |>
hc_add_dependency(name = "modules/accessibility.js") |>
hc_add_dependency(name = "modules/annotations.js") |>
hc_add_dependency(name = "modules/exporting.js") |>
hc_add_dependency(name = "modules/export-data.js") |>
penguins, "scatter",
hcaes(x = flipper_length_mm,
y = bill_length_mm,
group = species)
) # n.b. by not adding color above, you get "automatic" dual encoding
# of points with a different shape for the markers for each species
title = list(text = "Flipper length (mm)"),
accessibility = list(
enabled = TRUE,
description = "flipper length in millimeters"
) hc_yAxis(
title = list(text = "Bill length (mm)"),
accessibility = list(
enabled = TRUE,
description = "bill length in millimeters"
) hc_title(
text = "Flipper length vs. bill length in <b>{palmerpenguins}</b>",
style = list(useHTML = TRUE)
) hc_subtitle(
text = "Grouped by species: Adelie, Chinstrap, and Gentoo"
) hc_annotations(
labels = list(
point = list(x = 201, y = 54.2, xAxis = 0, yAxis = 0),
text = "Chinstrap<br/>x: {x}<br/>y: {y}",
shape = "connector" # defaults to 'callout'
),# below gives you screen-reader descriptions of annotations
labelOptions = list(
accessibility = list(
# wouldn't hard code description here if there was
# more than one point annotated, need lang options
description = "A Chinstrap penguin observation mapping to a flipper length of 201mm and bill length of 54.2mm."
)hc_caption(text = "Scatterplot of the palmerpenguins dataset showing data points clustered by species (Adelie, Chinstrap, and Gentoo) using the highcharter package making it possible to focus on one cluster and identify the x and y values of a specific data point. In this case the data point is a Chinstrap penguin observation mapping to a flipper length of 201mm and bill length of 54.2mm.") |>
enabled = TRUE,
accessibility = list(
enabled = TRUE
) hc_plotOptions(
accessibility = list(
enabled = TRUE,
keyboardNavigation = list(enabled = TRUE)
) # use the custom colors and keep shape per group if added here
hc_colors(c("darkorange", "purple", "#057276"))
Looking at the code for this chart, you may be wondering if I lost control of the keyboard when writing the descriptions of the axes, since I didn’t capitalize their first letters. Fear not! It was intentional—I wanted the text to look right in something I’ve mentioned, but not gone through in detail: the screenReaderSection
There’s one last post to come in this series. There, we’ll re-create an example from Highcharts’ annotation module documentation, and see what it takes to get the screen-reader list of annotations working with more than one item.
I’ve added some hard line breaks that aren’t there in the original for ease of reading.↩︎
author = {Averick, Mara},
title = {Accessible \{Highcharter\}: {Part} 4},
date = {2021-11-15},
url = {},
doi = {10.59350/sf1fv-wse56},
langid = {en-US}